Sunday, December 20, 2009

One Week Marketing Action Plan For Struggling Affiliates

One Week Marketing Action Plan Sneak Peek

I had the opportunity to meet PotPieGirl through a common internet marketers program which we both belong to and I've tried her One Week Marketing Guide. I've made my first sale on Clickbank after day two.

It makes a world of difference when you already know the author of an e-Book tutorial, when you get to hear about it. When I found out that PotPieGirl had written a guide for free marketing campaigns that lead to incredible results, I first read the first free 18 pages for FREE and I just loved it.

I could see that this could genuinely help so many affiliate marketers who are just right at that spot. Knowing a bit about the affiliate business, but not quite yet able to put it together. Since I knew PotPieGirl, I knew that she was not just saying things. I knew exactly what she went through was and found a way to get her business going.

Since she knew as much as I know, that there is not much good help out there, she decided to write the exact step by step that she found to be working for her.

Guess what? it works for anyone who just puts the effort to do the steps. And, yes it worked for me as well. I made my first sale on Clickbank after just 2 days.

one week marketing plan for affiliates

Get Your Free Squidoo Guide NOW!

1) Overview Of The One Week Marketing Package

Get READY for an exciting one week marketing of learning as you do and see results almost instantly.

Step One you will learn:

* How to set goals.

* Find the products you want to sell.

* learn about keyword sand how to use them in relation to your products.

* Learn how to find profitable NICHES.

* And most of all. How to make it all work together so that you get results for your efforts.

You will learn what keywords are and how to use them, you will learn about article marketing and how to write articles that converts. You will learn how to make links and some other basic HTML. You will learn about affiliate links and commissions. You will learn what Clickbank is as well as other affiliate programs. You will learn how to blog and and how to index your blog, your Squidoo lenses, your articles and website.

You will LEARN how to build a WHOLE campaign around your product to dominate your NICHE.

2) Putting Everything Together With One Week Marketing

Now that you have understood all the basics, you will learn how to blend everything together. How to build yourOne Week Marketing. You will learn
how to set up 100% FREE online campaigns working for you. Not single web-pages, but full-blown campaigns. You will learn how it ALL works together.

You will see how your campaign will start generating you some income. You will learn how to find markets that convert and HOW they convert. You will be making money and be ready to re-invest some of that money to grow your online business.

3) Create Your Own Website With One Week Marketing

Once You've got all this knowledge, it will be time to create your OWN website that will complement your free online campaigns. It is very important to have your own website, because your site is like your HOME. It is a site where you make ALL the rules and can polish your niches and present your uniqueness to the world.

Because you will have followed the One Week Marketing Action Plan, you will have a lot of great campaigns out there to choose from. Many of your pages will already have authority with Google to help YOUR new website take off.

You will also have first-hand market research because you KNOW what people are searching for and what keywords they are using.

You will be set to rock and roll!

Testimonials About One Week Marketing Action Plan


One Week Marketing Action Plan Is Satisfaction Guarantee!

PotPieGirl is so sure that her One Week Marketing
works that she gives you your money back no questions asked in case you were not satisfied.

But if you're like me, not only you won't want your money back you'll go to bed with the book never want to put it down LOL!

Get your free 18 pages NOW!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

What Is One Week Marketing?

One Week Marketing is a tutorial, a plan of action, and a visual campaign map that will teach YOU how to build FREE marketing campaigns with a step by step approach. The good part is that you will be able to follow each step easily, even if you are new in the internet marketing arena.

It will show you the importance of having an Action Plan, about Affiliate Links, Keywords, how to find Clickbank Products, Tags and much more...

One Week Marketing is the result of hours of research and work with text proof results, written by author PotPieGirl, who like you and me was sick and tired with the get rich quick scams of the gurus that are lurking out there.

There is no such thing as something for nothing, but there is a way to make a tremendous change in your clickbank cash results if you apply what you will learn with One Week Marketing.

PotPieGirl has been using her own One Week Marketing Action Plan for quite some time and she also has tested it with Nick (an internet marketer who was failing and was just about to give up), before she actually wrote the book.

The whole conversation with Nick, which was meant to prove that her system worked, has been completely recorded and is now a book of its own that you will get with the One Week Marketing Package.

One Week Marketing And Finding Clickbank Products

Are you confused about Clickbank? May be you don't really know what Clickbank is yet! It doesn't matter.
With One Week Marketing, not only you will understand fully what clickbank is, but you will be able to find digital products in clickbank that you will be able to sell. Yes, sell for free. You don't need to buy a product to be able to sell it. This is called affiliate marketing.

You will learn how to recognize what products are selling high and what products are selling low. You will be able to search for new products or specific products to fit your niche as well.

You don't have a niche yet? Don't worry,
One Week Marketing will teach you all bout niches and how to find the ones that fit you.

One Week Marketing For Fool- Proof Way To Get Indexed Fast!

The first and most important thing you need to know if you don't know it already, is knowing how to get indexed. You will need to be indexed in the major search engines such as Google and Yahoo before you could make any cash in your clickbank account.

How can you get indexed, and indexed fast? There is a simple technique you can apply and which will be part of your campaign set up. All you will need to do is follow the steps and you will be able to have all your articles, blogs and sites indexed within hours.

One Week Marketing For Faster Clickbank Cash Results

One Week Marketing And Writing Articles That Convert

Ah! Writing articles? It seems a hard thing to do for some. Guess what? It isn't really. Are you able to talk to someone about a product you like? If yes, then you have the basic knowledge you will need to write articles.

With One Week Marketing not only you will be able to write articles, but you will be able to write articles that convert into sales and learn about which article directories will be the best tools for your campaign.

This step is VERY important since article marketing is the very base of Bum marketing or Free marketing, and it will give you as much exposure on the net as any paid avenues. Article marketing is the answer for anyone who wants to start strong without spending money. Therefore it is important that you KNOW about and USE this technique wisely and adequately.

One Week Marketing For Better Clickbanks Cash Results

One Week Marketing Article


One Week Marketing And Creating Your Blog

Blogging is very important this days if you are tying to have any kind of presence on the internet.

Blogs will, therefore be very useful to your product campaigns and will help you to be found in the search engines as well. Another reason why blogging will be helping your campaign tremendously is that blog sites such as
Blogger or Wordpress are ranking extremely high on Google search engine.

One Week Marketing will show you how to use blogging to your best advantage and to include these blogs as a part of your marketing campaigns where all is linked together.

One Week Marketing For Faster Clickbank Cash Results

One Week Marketing Success And Clickbank Cash Results

In the end, because you have learned so much and follow a top notch action plan, you have a lot of campaigns out there and guess what? You are starting to get some authority with Google and other search engines which will help any of your sites to just take off more and more easily.

You also have learned what market research is all about, know what people are searching for, and what keywords they may use to look for your products.

You are now so CLEAR on what you are doing that it becomes all automatic for you.

Eventually you will also be able to collect email addresses and multiply your profits even more.

And all this will cost you NOTHING to do it!

In time you will be able to OWN first search page on Google! Yes it's possible!

One Week Marketing For Faster Clickbank Results

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Squidoo From A-Z For Newbies-One Of The Best Squidoo Guides For Newbies

There are still some people out there who don't know about Squidoo, and that is perfectly all right, since it is my pleasure to introduce you to this great web 2.0 site which includes almost a million members as I am writing this words.

There are also those who have hear of Squidoo and one they go there and try to build a lens, find themselves lost and have lots of questions as far as what step to take next. This is the reason for Squidoo From A-Z For Newbies. A guide that will take you by the hand all the way.

Squidoo is one of the web 2.0 sites on the internet. This site was born to offer the possibility for people who do not have a website to be able to build a page of their own and publish it on the web. This page is called a "lens". Why a lens? This is because each page or site has the purpose to "focus" on one subject, and usually one subject only.

Squidoo is one hundred percent free. There is no upgrade that you can get if you pay whatsoever. It's the same for everyone. What will make your page (lens) different, however, is how much you know about the tools and "modules" that Squidoo offers. The more you know the more you will be able to make your lens appealing and attractive to the eye.

Even though the system is rather easy to use for the average "lensmaster" as people using Squidoo are called, it's not so easy for the average newbie. This fact is very obvious for me each time I visit a newbie's lens.

Each page is made of several different parts called, modules. Once you open a new account you will see a default lens made of a few modules. Once you build your own, however, you may want to delete some modules and add some others. As a matter of fact no one really wants to stay with the default page setting.

It's interesting to know that, the dashboard of your Squidoo lens, doesn't work like your typical blog dashboard where you can just link to a hyperlink. With this dashboard you have to manually add all your HTML codes. This is the case for adding any kind of fancy letters, capitals, different font colors, other pictures that the default ones and any kind of URLs.

Seems overwhelming? It can be for a beginner, but once you've learned the tricks you need to use on Squidoo, not only all this will seem very easy after a while, but it will really help you to get better with HTML codes as well. Even if you don't know anything about them right now.

Very soon you will be able to create beautiful pages, which will help you to get more presence on the internet and actually be a powerful vehicle to sell your products.

Squidoo From A-Z For Newbies will take you there!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Blow Up Your Clickbank Account With One Week Mareting Campaigns

Do You Want To Blow Up Your Clickbank Account?

How can you blow up your clickbank account with One Week Marketing?

No empty promises and no guarantee of riches here! Instead, you will find a solid way to build wealth ONE WEEK AT THE TIME.

One Week Marketing is just that! A one week marketing system that allows you to build wealth one week at a time.

The System will teach you how to build one campaign each week for FREE. I and many other folks I know and some that I don't know, have done it.

Does it work? My answer to this question is a sounding YES! Does it work if you just read the book and do nothing at all? My answer to this question is a reasoning NO! Success require ACTION! But if you are willing to take action and really want to make this work for you, yes you can make it work. I promise you that if you do the doing part, you will be amazed at what YOU can accomplish online.

Are You Ready To Take Action?

Success does take action. If you keep doing what you've been doing expecting different results, it will not happen! If you want to get out of the rat race and out of the staggering 95%+ failure casualties in this business you need to take the right action.

When you are new in internet marketing, you are going through a phase of learning, and along the way you are going to make mistakes, and that's OK. You are untitled to make mistakes, BECAUSE you're new, and sometimes you will learn a great deal from those mistakes.

However, when you are tired of making mistakes and see that you are not progressing anymore...It is time to move forward and take action.

What kind of action? When you are new in internet marketing and don't have much money to spare for your business, the best action steps to take are the one that will not cost you a thing! Yes, there are FREE action plans you can take to start receiving a very comfortable income from home. Then, when you are ready you can move forward and go for paid advertising. But right now let see what you can do for free and get HUGE results with it.

The Importance Of Having An Action Plan!

How important is to have an action plan?

Very important indeed! If you go with the flow with no action plan, you will go nowhere. If you don't navigate your boat she will get lost at see. You need to "navigate" your campaign where you want it to go. If you don't, you will end up frustrated and confused and you will add to the list of marketer drop offs.

It is usually at this point that internet marketer fall of the train, when they are trying to go somewhere with no real plan that they can understand and follow. One week marketing action plan will put an end to this problem if this is the problem you are having right now.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, confused or frustrated. Stick around. The goal of One Week Marketing is to clear that fog and frustration and get you to the right path to success.

Now, Let's See Some Numbers Here!

The goals that One Week Marketing will help you to get are solid traffic-generating campaigns. One week at the time. Remember that If you don't do the doing part you will be exactly where you are one year from now. If you do it however, your life could be very different from what it is now a year from now.

Let look at some numbers here for a second!

One campaign a week= 52 campaigns a year. Now let say that your campaign brings you ONLY $10 per week, which would be very low. Well, you would have made $520/week. Now that would be enough for many to quite their day job.

Now, as time goes on, your campaigns are getting much better and bigger and some more realistic numbers will start showing, but still let's take another low number. Let's say you are making $25 per week per campaign. That is 52 campaigns x $25 each per week = $1300/week. $1300 x 52 week that bring you 67,600 for that year.

Now for must of us this number is way higher than any jobs we ever have.

Guess what, your campaigns over time will bring you much more than $25 a piece. As a matter of fact the sky is the limit. These are number taken on the very low end of the equation to show you the possibilities. Sky is the limit!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What Is One Week Marketing And What It Can Do For You?

Have You Heard Of One Week Marketing Yet?

What is One Week Marketing action plan? Well, if you are new in internet marketing or if you have been trying to figure it all out without success yet, one week marketing is just for you.

Why I am saying this? Because, Even if you have NEVER made a sale online yet and you follow One Week Marketing action plan you are bound to make a sale within a week or less.

Do I guarantee that if you read One Week Marketing you will make money? NO! Because reading the book alone won't make the money. What will make you money is the doing of your one week marketing plan.

So, if you are tired of not making money and need HELP to show you the way to an easy step by step FREE campaign creation just read on...
Contents at a Glance

1. The Importance Of Having An Action Plan
2. Do You Really Want To Be Financially FREE?

4. No Money To Invest? NO Worry!

The Importance Of Having An Action Plan

Have you heard the phrase "you must have a plan"? well, that's nice, but what is a plan really?

In order to have a plan, you must know exactly what a plan is and how to go about it. If you don't know that to start with you are probably far from having a plan.

Guess what? New people who are coming in the internet marketing arena are new. therefore, they are even new to the concept of "having a plan". They are strangers to what kind of plan they should or many have.

One of the purpose of One Week Marketing is to inform you about what an internet marketer's plan is, so that you will have not only a better idea on what the plan is, but you will be able to get YOUR plan set up and rolling.
Do You Really Want To Be Financially FREE?
What you do or don't do with your internet marketing business today will affect where you are going to be financially a year from now!

How much do you want to earn? Do you have a plan to get there? Given the key to get there, are you willing to put in the effort?

These are questions you should ask to yourself and also answer them. However, if you can't answer these questions right now, that's OK; it just means that you are still confused or overwhelmed at this point of you internet marketing business. But, it doesn't have to stay that way because One Week Marketing was created to get you out of the fog and get you on the path to success. Needless to say, that it was also created by someone who felt just like you!

Friday, May 22, 2009

How To Blow Up Your Clickbank Account?

Have you ever wanted to see those numbers grow on your Clickbank account? Who as not? You are getting involved in affiliate marketing and you are posting a few articles or blog, maybe a few ads, but nothing happens, you Clickbank account stays to zero and it’s really driving you to believing that this doesn’t work.

Many new affiliate marketers or even internet marketers who have been battling with success for some times now are wondering why they can’t make first page on Google or get any traffic to their sites. The reason why is that they don’t have a clue about how to put it all together. Without a system or a step by step that you could follow, it would be hard very to almost impossible to be visible enough on search engines in order to get traffic to your sites. And, as we all know, no traffic equals no sales.

Of course if you have some money to spare, you could go for paid advertizing, but if you are not ready for it yet, you will be losing more money than you will make.
What One Week Marketing offers is a step by step that will cost you NOTHING, and when you follow it and apply the daily campaign building steps of each day, you will be able to blow up your Clickbank account. One Week Marketing action plan was brought to life the best way possible, which is by the person who did it herself and got real results with it. Yep! This is not some guru book from someone who has never done what their book tells you to do, because they probably never needed to. No, this One Week Marketing action plan was what PPG needed in order to make it herself and to make sure that it worked for others as well she used someone as a guinea pig.

Guess what happened? It worked for him also. As a matter of fact, he had NEVER made a sale on Clickbank before and was ready to give up on internet marketing. All he did was follow the steps of One Week Marketing and what happened is that today he really has blown up his Clickbank account and so did many others as well as myself included.

The truth of the matter is that if you have not been successful with what you are doing right now, one year from now you will be right where you are now. If you change what you are doing right and follow a successful method, however, one year from now your life could be very different. You could be on your way to financial freedom!

Yes you can blow up your Clickbank account with One Week Marketing. Just check this out!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wordpress Goldmine, What Affiliates Need!

What do affiliates need? Affiliates need to make sales. What we call network marketing is the generic name for business online. That includes affiliates. The goal of your online business is to drive sales through your website or your blog. No sales- no affiliate business.

In my affiliate experience I have found that the best way to drive sales is to have a good blog going. Once blogs are set up all right and have reach a reasonable size they take on a life of their own. The trick is to set up your blog in such a way, that this will happen even without your intervention.

Wordpress Goldmine does just that. It is the key tutorial to help you to set up a blog and promote it in such a way that you will be able to drive visitors and sales through you blog or blogs.

Affiliates need 3 things in order to drive visitors to their site and of course make sales.

#1: Understanding the importance of keywords

Many new affiliates are still very confused about what keywords really are or what keywords really mean for them.

#2: Understanding the importance of links

Links on your blog or to your blog can have a tremendous impact on your blog ranking and popularity. Therefore, understanding the importance of links is a must as an affiliate trying to drive visitors to your blog. A link can be a direct link such as http://…. Or an anchor link (words or phrase that you spell out within a paragraph which link in blue to another site).

#3: Understanding the importance of fresh content

The main reason why fresh content is so important is that Google and other search engines want to provide web searchers with the most up to date and relevant content they can identify. For this very reason there technology is constantly gathering information about new web sites and updates to existing sites.

The more your site is updated with fresh content, the more often the search engines will visit to index your pages. This will improve your chances to get your blog climb in higher ranking. As you probably already know, higher ranking means that your site will get more exposure and therefore more visitors. In the end more targeted visitors mean more sales.

Wordpress Goldmine

Promote Your Blog

University Of Network Marketing

University Of Network Marketing
Wealthy Affiliate

How To Make Mondey On Line