There are also those who have hear of Squidoo and one they go there and try to build a lens, find themselves lost and have lots of questions as far as what step to take next. This is the reason for Squidoo From A-Z For Newbies. A guide that will take you by the hand all the way.
Squidoo is one of the web 2.0 sites on the internet. This site was born to offer the possibility for people who do not have a website to be able to build a page of their own and publish it on the web. This page is called a "lens". Why a lens? This is because each page or site has the purpose to "focus" on one subject, and usually one subject only.
Squidoo is one hundred percent free. There is no upgrade that you can get if you pay whatsoever. It's the same for everyone. What will make your page (lens) different, however, is how much you know about the tools and "modules" that Squidoo offers. The more you know the more you will be able to make your lens appealing and attractive to the eye.
Even though the system is rather easy to use for the average "lensmaster" as people using Squidoo are called, it's not so easy for the average newbie. This fact is very obvious for me each time I visit a newbie's lens.
Each page is made of several different parts called, modules. Once you open a new account you will see a default lens made of a few modules. Once you build your own, however, you may want to delete some modules and add some others. As a matter of fact no one really wants to stay with the default page setting.
It's interesting to know that, the dashboard of your Squidoo lens, doesn't work like your typical blog dashboard where you can just link to a hyperlink. With this dashboard you have to manually add all your HTML codes. This is the case for adding any kind of fancy letters, capitals, different font colors, other pictures that the default ones and any kind of URLs.
Seems overwhelming? It can be for a beginner, but once you've learned the tricks you need to use on Squidoo, not only all this will seem very easy after a while, but it will really help you to get better with HTML codes as well. Even if you don't know anything about them right now.
Very soon you will be able to create beautiful pages, which will help you to get more presence on the internet and actually be a powerful vehicle to sell your products.
Squidoo From A-Z For Newbies will take you there!