Network Marketing is a trade and like any other trade it has to be learned.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Build Your Thoughts And It Will Build Your Life
Are you looking for solutions to your problems and issues?
The answers you are looking for are right within you.
If you are in a status quo in your own mind, you won’t travel very far in the voyage of you life.
I have been looking for answers from the outside most of my life until I found a mentor who taught me where to look for answers. Not only to find solutions to my problems, but to recognize where all my problems were coming from.
It all comes from within your own mind. Whatever is going on within your own mind will attract either good results or bad results in just about every facet of your life such as: your relationships, your work, your marriage, your business, your investments, your dealings with others and so on…
Everybody would agree that to stay in good physical shape you must watch what you eat and exercise.
For your life to be in good shape you must feed your mind with good thoughts and exercise your mind. Your must stay in shape, mentally to be able to take control of your life.
How do you know if you are in good mental shape?
An easy way to measure your mental state is by your emotions. If you “feel good” you are in a good mental alignment at that point in time. If you “feel bad” your are not in a good mental alignment at that point in time.
What are some examples of “good feelings” and “bad feelings”?
Good feelings are also named: joy, happiness, love, thankfulness, truthfulness, forgiveness, inner peace, serenity and the like…
Bad feelings are also named: anger, jalousie, fear, remorse, sadness, pain, grudge, anxiety and the like…
The one thing no one can control but you is your thoughts. That said, however, it is very difficult to control ALL our thoughts all day long. As a matter of fact that is basically impossible to control every thought that are running through our mind every second of the day. It is possible, however, to make the decision to feel a certain way. I am not saying that it’s easy, but it is possible.
Start getting up in the morning being grateful for what you have. Consciously refuse to concentrate on what you do not have or do not want.
It is not easy to build big muscles to shape and strengthen our body is it? No, but it’s possible with discipline and consistency.
Our brain works exactly the same way as our body does. With discipline and consistency we can and will shape our thoughts guided by our feelings. We will see the results of our conscious decision to feel a certain way even though it might not always be easy.
Like physical work out, take it a little at the time on a regular basis until you are the master of your feelings and thoughts. Over time you will catch yourself when you start thinking negative.
Every morning decide to feel good by conscientiously thinking about positive things that will bring about positive emotions. Train yourself to catch bad thoughts that are trying to sneak in. This is the type of exercise that will train your “muscle brain” to react and switch every time a bad feeling will let you know that what you are thinking right now is not in alignment with good mental energy and therefore, not healthy.
If you practice this simple exercise on a daily basis you will see enormous changes in your life. Not over night, but over time. Don’t give up!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
How To Be A Pro-Active Upline
However, once you have a beginning or an already nice size down line, you need to attend to it. If you are attending to your downline people, you are attending to your own business; it is as simple as this.
Unfortunately, the rule for many network marketers is, once you have sponsored someone go to the next. How many leaders have been let go that way? Some upline people make a point never to call their downline, thinking that if they need help they (the downline) should call them. Is that a rule? Where is it written?
Once you have a downline, big or small, you should spend some time helping them. You should spend as much time helping them as you do recruiting or selling. Never forget that people in your downline are also your customers.
Do you know how retail stores treat their costumers? Yes, they treat them well, because they know that without them they wouldn't be around very long.
The same rules apply to you, who are building a downline. If multi-millionaire retail stores cannot afford to let even one customer leave their store unhappy, you, as a network marketer cannot either. The unhappy customer means thousands of dollars less for the retail store. The unhappy downline who leaves you means thousands of dollars to you.
I personally know of a few GREAT sales leaders that have left their upline and the company all together, just because they were neglected. It does not change the fact that they were and are still great and are making it big time now, they just are not making it for their ex-sponsor that let them go.
The point is, respect the people in your downline, you cannot build your business without them. Do not hesitate to call them up, and ask them if they need any help. Do not assume that they do not just because they are not calling you. Do not call them just once and then forget about them, and do not assume that they are getting all their questions answers on the conference calls.
Once they get it, their need for your help will decrease automatically, and you will have earned the respect and loyalty of a downing that will never leave you.
Being a pro-active upline is the way to build a strong, solid downline that will benefit themselves, and, therefore, benefit you.
Monday, January 7, 2008
How To Speed Up Your Marketing Business
97%-98% Of Network Marketers Are Failing.
Have you ever joined a network marketing business that promissed you that they would help you to get up there,but never really delivered on their promisses?
Here are some word of comfort, you are NOT alone! This happened to me, as well as, millions of others who have joined one or more MLM or Network Marketing Businesses.
The result of this is that only 2-3% of the people who join any kind of network marketing business are successful. This of course means that 97-98% are UNSUCCESSFUL and end-up losing money instead of making the money they were promised.
They are several reasons why this is happening, and here are the three main ones:
1) People are new in the network marketing business and cannot do it alone.
2) Their upline or sponsor is unable or unwilling to help them.
3) The company they joined is not a good company with a compensation plan that can help them make profit.
If you have found yourself under these 3 categories, you were doomed from the start, and there was no way you could succeed at all!
If you have found yourself in the second category, there was very little chance you could succeed, unless you would be able to find help somewhere else.
This is what happened to me, I found myself in a network marketing opportunity with not much help, so, I had to get help somewhere else. I was also in the first category, I was new at this!
It didn't happened overnight, but after a lot of trying and searching.
If you are not successful in your network marketing endeavor, let us help you.
Because of my strugglings I am now a writer and a coach looking for people who need help like I did.
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